My Theory: How the Earth was Created

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My theory on how the Earth was created is probably like most others, but it’s what I believe and I’m not going to change it. God took six days to create the Earth and one day to rest from all his hard work. All the scientist out there who believe that the Earth was just part of a major explosion, I respect your opinion, but really? The Earth could not have possibly just exploded into a vast universe, I believe it must have took longer. So therefore since in the Bible it says that God took seven days to complete the Earth; that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it!

1st Day: God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. During this day he also made the opposite of lightness; darkness.

2nd Day: God made vast oceans to cover the Earth.

3rd Day: God made stretched out plains of lands to help cover the Earth.

4th Day: God made the stars and the moon, they were to, ” Serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years.” Sun marked the day, moon the month, and the stars the seasons.

5th Day: Great numbers of birds and sea creatures. God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the Earth.

6th Day: God made vast numbers of land animals, and man. From the man; woman.

7th Day: ” The Sabbath Day” Since God had finished all his work, he took a day to rest.


Source: The Bible!